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the method of steps

答(2024-09-05):Method of steps


exponential Ansatz

就是在exp ansatz中代t=0進去得到的一個λ的方程式。

characteristic equation


Problem 1

Consider the shower equation: T˙(t)=k[T(tτ)Td] with τ>0 and k>0.

  1. Find α,βR in the rescaling T~(t):=T(αt)β that results in the simpler equation


    What is k~?

    Proof. By differentiating both sides of the definition T~(t):=T(αt)β, we immediately get


    where the last equation is given by the original shower equation at the very beginning, with t replaced by αt. On the other hand,


    Suppose that T~˙(t)=k~T~(t1). Then


    By comparison of the parameters, we have


    Therefore, α=τ,β=Td, and k=k~/α.

  2. Consider the rescaled shower equation


    Use the method of steps. to find T(1) and T(2) with ϕ(t)=1 on [1,0].


    1. T˙(t)=ϕ(t1)=1 when t[0,1]. Therefore, by the method of steps,

    on [0,1]. Hence T(1)=0.
    Denote T1(t)=t+1 on [0,1].
    2. T˙(t)=T1(t1)=t+1 when t[1,2]. Therefore, by the method of steps again,


    Hence, T(2)=1/2.

Problem 2

(stepwise regularity) Let u(t) be the solution to the DDE


with a continuous prehistory u(t)=φ(t) for t[1,0]. Let fC(RN×RN,RN). Prove uCj([j1,Tmax(φ)),RN) for jN, where Tmax(φ) is the maximal time interval of the existence of the solution.

Proof. Note that we can write


Therefore, u(t) is at least C0 on [1,Tmax(φ)). Now, we prove that u(t) is Cj on [j1,Tmax(φ)) by induction. Suppose that u(t) is Cj on [j1,Tmax(φ)) when j=k, i.e., u(t) is Ck on [k1,Tmax(φ)). Then, when j=k+1,

Therefore, u˙(t)=f(u(t),u(t1)) is of Ck, and hence u(t) is Ck+1 on [k,Tmax(φ)).
By induction, the desired result holds for all jN.

Problem 3

Consider the shower equation


with a discrete delay τ>0 and a parameter k>0.

  1. Since the equation is linear, we can substitute the "exponential Ansatz,"


    into the equation. Derive the characteristic equation for λ.

    Proof. Plug T(t)=etλ into the DDE yields λetλ=keλ(tτ). Since etλ>0 for all t, we can divide λetλ=keλ(tτ) both sides with eλt (or set t=0) to get


    i.e., the characteristic equation for λ.

  2. Prove that for each delay τ>0, there exist countably many kj>0, jN, such that the shower equation with k=kj has a periodic solution in the form

    T(t)=Re(eitωj)=cos(ωjt), ωjR.

    Here Re(z) denotes the real part of zC. What is ωj? Since T(t)0 is a (trivial) solution, conclude that two different solutions can intersect in R.

    Proof. Write λ=λ1+iλ2, where λ1,λ2R and i=1. With the fresh characteristic equation of λ we derived the above yields


    which implies that (λ1+iλ2)+keλ1τ[cos(λ2τ)isin(λ2τ)]=0, and hence


    because (λ1+keλ1τcos(λ2τ))+i(λ2keλ1τsin(λ2τ))=0. Since we wish that our solution has the form cos(ωjt), ωjR, we need λ1 to be 0. Hence we get


    which implies that λ2τ=(2n+1)(π/2), i.e., λ2=(2n+1)(π/2τ) for nZ, and

    k=λ2/sin(λ2τ)=(2n+1)π2τsin((2n+1)(π/2))={(2n+1)(π/2τ),if n even(2n+1)(π/2τ),if n odd.

    Since our k are greater than 0, we must narrow down our candidates of n to be positive even integers, 0, and negative odd integers. Finally, we can state our result:

    V={v:v=0,or v is a positive even integer or a negative odd integer}={vj}j=1.

    Let sign(x)=1 if x is nonnegative and sign(x)=1 if x is negative. Then, for each delay τ>0, there exist countably many kj=sign(vj)(2vj+1)(π/2τ)>0,jN, such that the DDE with k=kj has a periodic solution in the form

    T(t)=cos(ωjt)=cos((2vj+1)(π/2τ)t). (ωj=(2vj+1)(π/2τ))

    With these periodic solutions and the trivial solution, we see that the solutions of the same equation can intersect with each other. (?!!!!)

  3. Why the scalar shower equation has periodic solutions no matter how small the delay τ>0 is?
    多了一個大於0τ之後,λ的特徵方程(λ+keλτ=0)因為那個τ的關係導致多出一個exp而具有複數解(在沒有delay的時候,特徵方程為λ+k=0)。所以當我們使用exponential ansatz來解DDE的時候,λ如果有imaginary part,就會跑出cossin這兩個週期函數。

Problem 4

We know that x(t)=x0/(1x0t) solves the ODE x˙(t)=x2(t) with the initial condition x(0)=x0>0, and blows up at a finite time t=1/x0 , that is, limt1/x0x(t)=.

  1. Prove that the DDE u(t)=u2(tτ) does not have finite-time blow-up solutions for any delay τ>0 and prehistory φC0([τ,0],R). Hint: Use the method of steps.

    Proof. u˙(t)=u2(tτ)=φ2(tτ) is continuous on [0,τ], hence


    is continuous and finite on [0,τ]. Now we prove that u(t) is continuous and finite on [(j1)τ,jτ] for all jN. Suppose that the result holds for j=k. Then when j=k+1,
    - u2(sτ) is continuous for all s[(j1)τ,t] since (sτ)[(k1)τ,kτ], and
    - u((j1)τ)=u(kτ) is finite.

    Therefore, u(t)=(j1)τtu2(sτ)ds+u((j1)τ) is continuous and finite on [(j1)τ,jτ]=[kτ,(k+1)τ].
    By induction, the result holds for all jN. Hence u(t) is finite all the time.

  2. Explain the behavior of solutions of the DDE with φ(t)1 as τ0.

    Proof. The "slope" in the nth step is given by the (n-1)th step, where each step has length τ. When τ becomes smaller and smaller, each step "shrinks," and the "slope" at each t becomes larger and hence grows faster than before. Therefore, the solution will explode to as τ0.
    (For example, assume that the original τ is 1, then the "slope" at 3/4 is 1, which is given by the 0th step. When τ becomes 1/2, the "slope" at 3/4 becomes larger than 1, which is given by the 1st step.)


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