🌙 This is the home page of arcTangent's OuOb space! 🔮

Why I created this space:

On August 24, 2024, I encountered Obsidian. I'm amazed by its power, simplicity, flexibility, and, most importantly, the warmth of the Obsidian community. As I explored the application and its forums, I found myself gradually moved by this incredible group of people.

In the past, I believed that hard-earned knowledge or skills should be quietly stored away in a corner that belongs only to me. However, this encounter with Obsidian changed my perspective: it’s through selfless sharing that we become truly strong.

Since then, I’ve been looking for ways to publish my notes online. Although what I document may not be groundbreaking knowledge, I still hope that, like many in the forums, I can help others. Even if just one person finds my notes useful, I’ll feel that I’ve made a small contribution not only to this community but to the world at large.

I want to give special thanks to the creator of the Obsidian Digital Garden plugin. They’ve built a powerful and customizable tool, allowing me to publish my notes in the way I believe to be most helpful. Once again, I've been lifted up by the kindness of this wonderful community!

This journey is truly fascinating, and it’s only just beginning!

在 2024 年 8 月 24 日,我遇見了 Obsidian。 我訝異於它的強大、簡潔、靈活,最重要的是: Obsidian 社群的熱情與善意。 在探索這款應用程式及其論壇的過程中,我感覺到自己漸漸被這個社群所感動。

曾經的我認為,得來不易的知識或經驗應該靜靜地藏在屬於自己的角落中。然而,這次與 Obsidian 的相遇改變了我的看法:我們正是因為彼此無私分享才得以如此強大。


在此,我特別感謝 Obsidian Digital Garden 插件的作者。他提供了功能強大且高度自訂的插件,讓我得以用自己認為最有幫助的方式將筆記發佈到網路上。是的,再一次受益於這個溫暖的社群!


Who am I?

A quiet observer of the myth and beauty hidden within mathematics.

GIF image credits:
Night Moon Clouds Pixel - Free GIF on Pixabay - Pixabay
Thank you, Avedeto!

PNG image credits:
Witch icons created by Darius Dan - Flaticon
Thank you, Darius Dan!

─=≡Σ(((っ゚Д゚)っ (∩^o^)⊃━☆.*・。 🚀 Welcome to atan's OuOb Space! Enjoy your stay! 🌙 ( ゜ー゜)b ヾ(´︶`*)ノ♬ < ( ̄︶ ̄)>